- Animal ID 51343024
- Species Dog
- Breed Mixed Breed, Large (over 44 lbs fully grown)
- Age 1 years, 0 months
- Gender Male
- Color White
- Spayed/NeuteredYes
- Declawed No
- HousetrainedUnknown
- Site Main Branch
- Location Dog Adoption Kennels
- Intake Date 10 / 17 / 2022
- Adoption Price$150.00
- Lived With AnimalsUnknown
- Lived With ChildrenUnknown
This cutie was transferred to THS from our friends at Lucas County Canine Care and Control! We are still getting to know their personality, but so far they are very sweet! According to the previous shelter, Bart should not go to a home with cats! Bart was working with Canine Karma at LC4 on training, so his adopters will have access to free training courses with Canine Karma if they adopt sweet Bart! He’s a very smart boy who is eager to continue his training!